Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fall Fashion Trend Report

Good evening fashion addicts
I guess you can say fall fashion is in full swing because trend reports having been coming out like crazy. And that means... summer is officially over! WAH :-( 
I had a couple of summer outfit pictures I was planning on posting, but I've been procrastinating. Now I think it is too late and rather pointless. I feel it would ruin the flow of my fashion reporting. Even if the outfits were extremely cute, it would look bad on my timing skills. 

So let's jump right into the new material, shall we? 

Fashion magazines everywhere are putting out their take on this fall's fashion trends. There are so many great looks I have come across that I want to post - but I have been known to be quite a ranter, so i'm trying to keep my blog as simple and clear-cut as possible and not rear too far from the topic. (i.e as I am already kind of doing here...)
I think these are the MOST IMPORTANT PIECES  that people should be shopping for this fall!!!  

Click for Larger Image.
Click for Larger Image.

There are soOoOo many different trends this fall that I was going to makes collages on each specific trend (like I already did for the 'sequin' picture) but, all the trends were used with each other that I thought an overall picture using all the trends at once gives a better idea! 

I am REALLY excited about these 'new' but 'old' styles! I can't wait to start putting outfits together! Hopefully sooner than later - I will be getting pictures up of how I worked with these trends in my everyday life! 

Until next time, HAPPY SHOPPING! 

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